Web App

You Read That Right I know that title reads like clickbait, but I mean it. We’ve recently learned to love a marathon strategy session at the beginning of a project, and I’ll get into why, but first some context. For most of my career working in strategy, I advocate for breaking up the strategy sessions […]

That Inevitable Moment Whether it’s a website, web application, or mobile app, every business relies on its digital products in the same way they rely on real world assets like its building, vehicles or staff. Smart businesses know that just like physical assets, digital products require regular attention and maintenance and occasionally replacement. The process […]

When you hear the word agile, what other words come to mind? Quick, responsive, efficient – using an agile approach in digital product creation is all of those things.  Agile is a project management methodology widely used across software development teams. Mile6 uses the agile methodology to have a high functioning, efficient, collaborative, and, dare […]